Monday, December 1, 2008

I Am IRONMAN..Ne ne ne ne ne neh, Ne ne neh....

Well folks,

Many of you have asked have asked what Ironman Arizona (IMAZ) was like for me. So let me just get a few thoughts out there about this whole experience. Especially since I have now had a week from completing the experience, I can think a little clearer.

Well I knew that the event in itself was going to be a very auspicious occasion for everybody involved not only for me but for all the other athletes there as well. So what was my motivation? Well two things really. First I wanted to commemorate six years of remission from testicular cancer. Secondly, I wanted to face the demons (well dogs actually and a broken collar bone) that prevented me from racing the '07 edition of IMAZ. This race was about self redemption and overcoming the things that have challenged me before.

So during the last six years of my life I have really treasured and learned to cherish an active lifestyle. I have run many races now but something about the mystique of the Ironman appealed to my senses. How could somebody possibly cover that amount of distance in just one day? I was previously very skeptical about this event, but hey surviving cancer was crazy enough. So let me tell you a little about my experience about my first Ironman.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
I have spent the past few days in Tempe, Arizona to acclimate myself with my surroundings. The hotel was comfortable enough and was directly across the street from a large shopping mall. I have such conviences as a Circle K mini mart right next door. Even more exciting there is a Waffle House too! Not to mention the establishment with the glittery lights, Rick's Cabaret, the local strip joint.

3:45 a.m. the alarm sounds. I get myself out of bed knowing that I have to get some food in me to start the day. So I had some raisin bran with some milk and a banana for good measure. Well maybe I ate too fast or something because I sure felt a little gassy that morning. Well maybe this is TMI, but in order to finish reading this blog you are going to have to have a strong stomach.

I arrive in the transition area at 5:15 a.m. of the Tempe Town Lake to a slew of activity. 2,100 athletes, 3,500 volunteers added up with family and friends make the IMAZ transition area very busy indeed.

After settling down a bit, I met a young man that proved to have some prophetically good advice. He asked about my preparation and training for the race. I said that I was nervous since it was my first Ironman distance race. I also shared with him that I felt underprepared since my training was not as consistent as I wanted it to be. This summer had been challenging since I had to help out my mother a lot over the summer. She had developed worsening symptoms with her Parkinson's Disease. There were times that I could not complete the training that I wanted to.

So this guy tells me this, "This is the only piece of advice that I am going to tell you. This day is long enough that your race can actually improve over time." I replied with an incredulous, "Really?" And with that we wished each other a good race and left to further continue our last minute preparations.

2.4 Mile Swim

I don my wetsuit next to my bike as I listen to a lovely rendition of the National Anthem. A few more pictures with some friends, and I am off to jump into chilly lake water. We are instructed to dive feet first off of the pier landing and to swim our way out to the start area. This is my warmup. I swim about 100 meters towards Mill Ave Bridge. I lounge about just taking in the sights of my fellow competitors. I force myself to smile and say good luck to the folks around me. Well at least I was smiling because I was able to pee inside my wetsuit for a little extra warmth.
The cannon goes off to a thunderous boom and the cheering of the crowd and a slurry soup of water thrashing all around me. I could not believe I was actually racing in an Ironman now. It felt surreal knowing that I was actually starting something that had been a goal that I had set for such a long time now.

The jostling and contact in the swim was unnerving. I think that I did not place myself correctly in the water. I was too close to the inside buoys and I frequently got hit by the other swimmers. Even worse as I had to slow down or stop, my left calf would cramp up a bit. So I did what I could in that scenario and flex and stretch my leg out as best I could in the water. Then came an elbow to the head... Then a kick to the side. Ouch another little cramping twinge in my left leg! Suffice to say it wasn't my best swim, but I was glad to be out of the water at 1 hour and 37 minutes.

Coming out of the water, I was treated to some amazing hospitality from the volunteers. First wetsuit strippers. A wetsuit is rather cumbersome to remove and get out of quickly so I had two young ladies tug on each leg as I was sitting on the ground. Ouch!! Another cramp flare up of my left calf. I rub it out quickly and I am off to pick up my transition bag to get onto the bike.


chelsea said...

Wow, I am so impressed with your blog. cool background

Matt said...

Hey, what about the rest of the race...?